5 Ways To Keep Your Resolutions Going Through The Super Bowl

Super Bowl Party
Here is a staggering statistic: According to the National Chicken Council’s 2014 Wing Report, 1.25 billion wings will be devoured during Super Bowl XLVIIII.  Yes-1.25 billion with a B! Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest eating day after Thanksgiving. If you are a football fan and headed to a party there will be lots of food (and most likely of the unhealthy sort) spread out for you to enjoy for hours on end and this just might put a damper on your healthy 2015 plans. If you have been sticking to your New Year’s resolution to stay away from these temptations, here are some helpful tips.
1) Eat before you head out to your party destination. If you are already full when you arrive, you will be less likely to partake in the massive spread of snack foods.
2) Find a spot away from the food table. Get settled in where you will be watching the game and socializing away from the temping treats. If there are some snacks placed near you, pass them around to others to casually remove them from your space.
3) Bring a healthy entree or hors d’oeuvres tray that you will be comfortable eating and that others will enjoy too. Your host and other guests will be thrilled that there are healthier options to choose from.
4) Go out and take a brisk walk or hit the gym before heading to your Super Bowl party. If you get a good workout in before the celebration, you won’t feel too bad about having a few tasty nibbles here and there throughout the game. Just try not to go overboard.
5) Make a plate of all the healthier options you would like to enjoy and do not go back for seconds-and stay away from the chips! You can never eat just one so it is best to just never start!
If you stick to your game plan from the beginning, victory shall be yours whether your team wins or loses! Come Monday you will feel great, won’t have any regrets and will be ready to carry on successfully with your goals for the year! Well at least the next month-baby steps!  Hang in there!  

21 Day Spring Detox Challenge - Completed!

Congrats!  We did it! 

 That wasn’t so hard…I’m serious! This has been an amazing experience! I was reminded how easy it is to rid yourself of cravings. I don’t want sugar or caffeine - I want healthy foods!  
Here is my first meal in 21 days - It is the perfect salad! Mixed Greens, Kale, Baby Spinach, cucumber, chick peas, onion, herbs, quinoa, lentils and avocado!   I am looking forward to chewing again and I hope my digestive system is ready to get back to work  - time to turn all this yumminess into energy!  See you again for our Fall Detox!  

21 Day Challenge - Day 18

Almost there!  Only 3 more days!  Lot’s of deep scrubbing going on!   Now that our digestive systems have had such a nice long extended vacation - our immune systems have been free to attack any toxic chemicals, precancerous cells or ailments that needed flushing out! I am sleeping much deeper these past few days and I know my body is working even harder to heal and clear out all the toxins that were deep in my cells. My dry brush, tongue brush and tooth brush have been my dear companions throughout this journey.  As you all know all elimination is good when you are cleansing- we release toxins though breathing, sweating and through our tongues. I have to brush my teeth at least 5 times a day  - which is a good sign that all of this is working!  Everyone has done an amazing job and there is now a light at the end of the tunnel! Hang in there! Feeling amazing and looking forward to a yummy kale and spinach salad! 

21 Day Challenge - Day 14!

This weekend we hit the halfway mark!  Still feeling amazing!  I have been more active lately with my increased energy level! Taking long walks, yoga and pilates classes. I feel happy and more alert. My clothes are fitting better and I skin has that glow.  I decided to re-watch Fat Sick and Nearly Dead for some inspiration! If you haven’t seen this documentary - it is worth a watch.  I have a new enthusiasm and I am excited for the next week. I am thinking of all the yummy whole foods and macronutrients I will be consuming after the cleanse. I am looking for new recipes and new ways to prepare these healthy flavorful foods!  I will be sure to share!  Stay strong and keep moving!  

21 Day Challenge - Day 9!

Feeling fantastic! Everything is going well. No big changes. I don’t feel hungry, I’m not missing food, no cravings. I have been out to dinner twice with friends where I just drank juice and water and I didn’t want to eat. I feel more alert, lighter and I feel healthy. My skin feels softer and it looks brighter. I feel like I have the juicing glow going for sure.  The one thing that happens right about now  - is the plateau.  One of the great side effects of juicing is losing weight.  It seems to melt off the first few days. Of course it is mostly water, but then the deeper you go and the more toxins you release, more weight comes off.  Now is the time that it starts to slow down and some may get discouraged.  It is all good.  Your body and your digestive system is so happy right now!  It is thrilled to be doing such a thorough Spring cleaning. More weight will come off soon - just a slower and that is just fine.  I am excited to continue! Hang in there everyone… only 12 more days!

21 Day Challenge - Day 6!

So we all made it through our first weekend!  Here it is day 6 and I feel amazing! I feel completely normal!  I’m not hungry and haven’t had any cravings! I have lost a few pounds and I feel light and have lots of energy.   And I have been sleeping like a baby!  One thing that helps me through this time is making lots plans to do things that don’t involve eating. Going to the movies, taking a hike or long walk with some friends or scheduling a massage or yoga class.  Keep yourself busy and having things to look forward to lessen the focus on food. We are just one third of the way there! Looking forward to the next week!

21 Day Challenge - Day 3!

We are almost through the hardest part of this journey believe it or not!  Every time I cleanse, late in day 2 is my hardest point and this time was no different - I had a rough afternoon and evening - but I am feeling better today.  I am stating to feel it in my skin - all the normal detox symptoms are kicking in!  It is at this time, I realize that this is usually the last day of most of my client’s cleanse experience - most people do 3 days at a time. It makes me feel sad because the real cleansing is just beginning!  We are just getting started and if you can hold on until day 6, you will be amazed at how great you feel and it will be easier for you to continue!

21 Day Juicing Challenge!

21 day juice cleanse logoWe’re kicking off our 21-Day Juicing Challenge with a great group! We’ll do some blogging along the way and posting here to let you know how it goes! There’s still time to join. Email us today if you want in! [email protected].



What a beautiful day it is to start a cleanse! I always love the first day!

colada greensI started the day with he Seasonal Here and Now - our Colada Greens!  I especially love this new recipe - it is so refreshing and hydrating!  I had meetings this morning and many people asked about my green concoction and when I told them I was starting a 21 -Day Juice cleanse, there were many looks of surprise. Some were dumbfounded. Usually when I share the news, people start to wonder if they could do it.   It makes them pause.

One of the most important things about starting a juice cleanse or any new health program is letting your friends and loved ones and co-workers know what your plans and goals are so that they can be supportive.  They will understand why you aren’t going to be able to go to dinners, Happy Hours, etc.   Not that you can’t attend functions with green juice in hand, but sometimes we are not feeling our best when we are cleansing and we want to keep it low-key.  Hopefully those close to you will understand.

It is always easy to get through the first day for me - I feel upbeat, excited and energetic.  Congrats to everyone on for completing your first day. It might get rocky the next few days - please hang in there!  You are off! It will get better and better, I promise!